Risky Business? Navigating a changing FS model risk landscape in 2023

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Peer exchange with a perspective from Domino and nvidia

Risky Business? Navigating a changing FS model risk landscape in 2023

Navigating a changing Financial Services model risk landscape

It’s what everyone’s talking about. The FCA’s push on operational resilience is driven by the harm disruptions to business can cause to customers and the financial system. While companies have begun to respond to DORA’s requirements for the security of network and information systems, specifics such as third-party risk need urgent attention. Organisations have to build a secure and holistic system to consider costs, reduce time to market, know what their models are doing at all times and avoid lock-in. So how do you do that?

Build forward securely

The required toolbox must be adaptive, transparent and holistic. And it’s not just your processes; third-party risk management is now in the spotlight, too. How do you build a secure system that brings together strong risk management processes, cyber resilience, ethics, monitoring and validation across everything that you do?

The science of compliance

You need an automated, continuous, robust and standardised approach that optimises AI/ML to withstand, respond to and recover from all types of ICT-related disruptions and threats. How do you get the data you need to ensure your models comply with complex regulatory frameworks?

A hybrid ecosystem

Given the mission-critical need of organisations to avoid lock-in, you need to develop, deploy, monitor and manage models from a single platform. How do you help create the perfect hybrid ecosystem to respond rapidly to business needs, increase impact, and build better relationships with all your customers across all your channels?

01-Dec-2022 from  8:30 AM to 10:45 AM
7-8 Park Place
St. James's
London, LON SW1A 1LS
United Kingdom
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Event Code Domino-01-Dec-22-FB32

Join us to exchange opinions and ideas with leaders in financial services approaching shared challenges.

Featuring an inside story, roundtable breakout discussions and panel session with Q&A, the event will be independently facilitated and will send you away with fresh insights, robust practical examples and powerful new connections.

Peer exchange with a perspective from Domino and nvidia


Arrive and eat. Register your attendance, you will be directed to your allocated table in the networking room where breakfast is served​

Forum. Move through to the meeting room and take your seat at the designated table​

Welcome and poll. The facilitator welcomes you, introduces a live opinion poll, then invites the speaker to interpret the results for the group and add any further insights​

Breakouts. The facilitator poses a stimulus question for you to discuss around your table. Each table is tasked with formulating its own new question for the panel that follows​

Panel session. The facilitator calls the panel together and puts your table’s question to them for response and discussion​

Networking. You are free to remain for further discussion

Location Name St. James's Hotel and Club - Mayfair London
How to get there

St. James's Hotel and Club - Mayfair London

7-8 Park Place



Industry Financial Services
Featured Image
Client Domino
Budget Holder MCDONAGH, Kathryn
Country Audience UK
Date Hit Target No Registrations 15-11
EventRefNumber 449
Date Invoiced 15 December 2022
Target No Registrations 32
Attended Actual Guests 16
Date Campaign Launched 10 August 2022
Total No in First Campaign 7,200
List of Event Topics The Digital Operational Resilience Act, DORA
Zoom Details
Webinar ID
Meeting ID
Zoom Account Id 0